The purpose of these Specific Sales Conditions (hereinafter the "SSC") is to set out the respective obligations of Slice Of France and the customer in their contractual relations pursuant to the sale of tour packages. The SSC come as a complement to the GSC. Upon the pre-booking, both the CGV and SSC are considered as agreed. The fact that Slice Of France does not avail itself of one o
r more of the provisions of the GCS in no way implies a waiver of its rights. Any booking implies the customer's full compliance with and total abidance by the GCS and SSC which shall prevail over any other document. Slice Of France preserves the right to alter the whole of part of these SSC without notice. The newly issued version of these conditions will not apply to the tours already purchased.
The GCS comprise the present conditions of sale which set out the payment terms, as well as the price schedules which are an integral part of the GCS. All documents other than the GCS, including the catalogues, flyers, advertisements and leaflets are provided as a guide only and for information purposes. The French Tourist Code, particularly Articles L. 211-1 et seq. of said Code, determines the terms for the performance of the activities concerning the organizing and sale of tours.
Absence of the right to withdraw
In accordance with article L121-20-4 of the Consumer Code, the right to withdraw is not applicable to service providers in the fields of accommodation, transport, food and drink, or leisure activities due to be provided at a specific date or period.
Commercial offer
This present website constitutes the pre-conditional offer in accordance with the articles R. 211-5 et R. 211-6 of the Code of Tourism detailed in the General Sales Conditions. Slice Of France however reserves the right to modify certain services offered, according to the conditions set out in article R211-6. The reservation of a stay and/or a trip implies that the present specific conditions are accepted. A printing error is always possible. The variations in economic conditions or exchange rate fluctuation can lead to a modification of prices prior the signing of the contract.
Your attention is drawn to the fact that photos are only given by way of example and cannot be considered legally binding. Surface areas of bedrooms are approximations and given only as a rough estimation.
We cannot be held responsible for any road works or building work undertaken by the commune or by private individuals, near the accommodation booked.
Our prices
Our prices include :
all services, activity and entrance fees defined in the tour description,
a repatriation assistance insurance,
the local tourist tax which is to be paid to the lodger, and which differs according to the town concerned,
an invitation letter to facilitate the visa application,
accommodations or lodging,
catering for all lunches and dinner for the duration of the tour,
transfers from pick up at Lyon and Marseille Airport or Avignon and Valence High Speed TGV Train station,
a full time English/French speaking guide will accompany the tour ,
fees for programmed activities defined in the tour description,
transit in an air conditioned 9 places minibus.
Our prices do not include :
cancellation insurance,
luggage and flight insurance,
wine and alcohol during lunch or dinner unless stated differently in the tour description,
cost of drinks outside of that provided on tour,
personal expenses,
air, rail, or taxi travel to reach one of the pickup points,
any optional additional services, (eg.: yoga lessons, individual massages, cloth cleaning or ironing) unless stated differently in the tour description.
Payment Conditions
Prices indicated are in Euros per person all inclusive. Payment of your stay is to be made in Euros.
Any payment shall be made by SWIFT on the following account:
Account Name: EURL Slice Of France
Bank Name: Crédit Agricole
Bank Détails: Rue saint Michel - 30430 Barjac - FRANCE
Fax : +33 (0)466 602 047
Account Number: 15395537000
IBAN: FR76 1350 6100 0015 3955 3700 062
The payment will be made according to the following :
• 0% upon online pre-booking, (Only for professional partners),
• 30% upon order and at the latest 60 days prior to the tour starts,
• 70% at the latest 40 days prior to the tour starts,
An order passed after 60 days prior to the tour will require an immediate payment of the 30% down payment.
For any order reaching our offices after 40 days prior to the tour, the payment shall be made in one transfer representing 100% of the total.
Any international SWIFT shall be accompanied by a proof of payment sent by your bank to our bank. Bank transfer costs will be borne to the payer and the bank transfer document shall mention if. Any unpaid invoice on time will involve some delay penalties according to the article 33 dated 1st December 1986, modified by the law 92-1442 dated 31st December 1992. Their rate will be 1.5 times the legal up to date interest rate.
Penalties will be subject to a separate invoice.
The packaged tour price comprises a series of services performed by Slice Of France that cannot be detailed.
Special offers
Under no circumstances can special offers and reductions have a retroactive effect.
Children and enfants
Unless mentioned differently in the tour description, children and enfants are not accepted in the tour considering that no specific activity will be designed for their care.
Pets of any kind are not accepted within Slice Of France tours.
Leisure activities
The information concerning activities, as presented in the tour description are only mentioned by way of a guide. Other activities described as optional may be available on site with an extra cost.
Administrative Procedure and health requirements
We advise you to make sure that you satisfy all police, customs and health requirements for your tour. You are responsible for carrying out all formalities at your local French Embassy. A customer who is unable to board a flight or is unable to enter the country where the tour is to take place due to failure to present the required documents (passport, visas, vaccination certificates, etc.) shall not be entitled to any refund, as these precautions are your sole responsibility. Slice Of France is not responsible for health insurance of customers therefore we strongly recommend that customers travelling abroad make inquiries before departure with their local health insurance provider.
Children under the age of majority travelling alone
When the tour description allows children to take part in a tour, those who are unaccompanied and minor must have an authorization signed by their parents.
Air transport
Slice Of France bears no responsibility concerning the booking, the purchase or the delay for air and train transportation. We are not either responsible for the accommodations or extra costs that any delay may cause.
It is your responsibility to inform Slice Of France 20 days prior to the tour start of the exact place and time of arrival. Customer Risks a for the pickup. If this does occure compensations cannot be made in the case a delay involves a modification in the length of the program originally envisaged.
Transfer of contract
If you transfer your contract, you should inform us by registered letter, with acknowledgement of receipt, 20 days before the beginning of your stay, indicating the personal details of the beneficiaries and ensure that they fulfill the conditions necessary to your particular stay.
Holiday Vouchers (Chèques-Vacances)
Slice Of France is not registered with any National Agency for Holyday Vouchers. Therefore we do not accept these vouchers for payment of tours.
Arrivals and departures
All customers scheduled in a specific group tour will be picked up at one designated site. The main pick up points will be at Lyon Saint Exupéry airport, Marseille Marignane airport, the high speed train TGV station in Avignon or in Valence unless otherwise indicated in your tour description. Any other pick up points would have to be agreed at least 15 days prior the tour starts. Arrival shall be set between 13h00 and 21h00 and departure between 8h00 and 14h00, unless otherwise indicated in your tour description.
Rules and regulations
All lodging and accommodations accommodation have internal rules and regulations that must be respected. We thank you for reading any of their requirements before or upon your arrival.
Civil and Professional Responsibility Insurance
All tours sold by Slice Of France are covered by a professional civil responsibility insurance (MMA - 9 Rue Louis Thomas - 30200 Bagnol sur Cèze – France) which covers injuries up to 8 000 000 € et materials damages up to 1 100 000 € that may be caused to one of the participants due to a lack of competence in our service during the tour.
Slice Of France responsibility will not substitute the French or foreign transport company responsibility that will be used by the passenger such as plane, train or taxis.
Slice Of France is responsible for the proper performance of all of its contract obligations. However, Slice Of Franc shall be relieved, in part or in whole, of its responsibility in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the contract attributable either to the purchaser or to an unpredictable and insurmountable event caused by a third party extraneous to the provision of the services set forth in the contract or to a case of force majeure as defined in Article 1148 of the French Civil Code.
We wish to bring to your attention the fact that, Slice Of France cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft or deterioration of any personal belongings during one of our tour. Slice Of France will not search nor pay for the shipping expenses of these ones.
Booking Procedure
Any pre-booking made by a professional partner, shall be performed via our online booking interface available on As soon as the pre-booking is completed, the customer shall receive a confirmation mentioning a pricing of the tour per person, the tour description and the minimum number of participants. The pre-booking will only be accepted for a pre-formed group and not for individuals.
The booking shall be confirmed based on a pre-booking via the professional online interface at least 60 days prior to the tour departure. This booking will allow an exact calculation of the amount to be invoiced according to the group characteristics (number of participants, type of lodging single or couple). Prices supplied by Slice Of France at pre-booking time will lastl 60 days prior to the tour starts date. The booking will allow the issue of an order acknowledgement as well as a pro-forma invoice to facilitate the customer payment accordingly to the paragraph so called Payment Conditions. The number of persons arriving on a tour may not exceed the number of persons stated on the contract unless a complementary agreement was placed with Slice Of France.
The Tour payment must be received within 5 days from the date of issue of the pro-forma invoice. Your booking will only become effective after the recording of your down-payment. The outstanding balance must be paid no later than 40 days prior to the departure date.
WARNING: once these deadlines have passed, if we have not already received your payment or the outstanding balance, we will consider your reservation to be cancelled and we will offer it to resale. Furthermore, our cancellation terms and conditions will apply.
Modification made by the customer or the participant
For any postponed arrival or anticipated departure, a sum of 50 Euros per person will be invoiced to the participant on the top of any additional transport cost required. In case of a postponed arrival it is the participant’s responsibility organize his transfer to join the rest of the group without disturbing the course of the tour. Any change in dates will be considered as a cancellation and a new booking. No reimbursement can be made for any stay that is interrupted or shortened for any reason whatsoever.
Modification made by Slice Of France
Prior to or during the course of a tour, Slice Of France may be forced to adjust without notice the schedule, the services, the activity, or the accommodation due to a to local or unexpected events, political change, strike, weather, etc...Slice of France will do everything possible to substitute the service, activity or accommodation to the equivalent level of comfort and experience, in order to maintain the integrity of the tour and planning. The name of the Tour Guide accompanying the group is given as an information only. Slice Of France preserves the right to change the identity of the group manager.
Cancellation made by the customer or the participant
Any request for cancellation shall reach Slice Of France in a written form via registered post or an email confirmed by a written individual acknowledgement. A lump sum of 50 € per individual will be invoiced for the cancellation processing whichever the date. This sum comes on the top of the following costs:
• 120 days prior to the scheduled starting date of the tour : 10% of the total cost of the tour,
• 120 to 40 days prior to the tour start date: 30% of the total cost of the tour,
• 39 to10 days prior to the tour start date: 50% of the total cost of the tour,
• Less than 10 days prior to the tour start date: 100% of the total cost of the tour.
Cancellation made by Slice Of France
If Slice Of France must cancel a tour at a certain date for any reason, you shall be informed in a writing. Slice Of France will do it’s utmost to propose to the customer or the participants an equivalent tour at a different date. In case of refusal to take part in the proposed tour, Slice Of France will reimburse fully the sums received. In event of a lack of participants for a tour, this serves as a sufficient reason to validate the tour cancellation without any indemnity. You shall be informed of this at the least 21 days prior to the scheduled starting date of the tour. Slice Of France will reimburse fully the sums received. Cancellation ca be avoided if all of the tour participants accepts a recalculated cost based on the number of participants. Slice Of France will inform you of the extra costs associated with the change a least 21
days prior to the scheduled start of the tour. All information related to the minimum size of groups can be found in the tour description.
Individuals insurance
Any individual taking part of a Slice Of France tour is covered by an insurance allowing assistance for the repatriation of the person in his country of origin for the duration of the tour. (This is not cancellation insurance and does not cover the theft or loss of personal belongings. It does not replace the personal insurance of the participant)
Any claim concerning a tour or service, should be sent by registered post, within 8 days following the event, to the following address: Slice Of France – Le Roure du Prat – 07150 Orgnac L’Aven – FRANCE. Beyond that date, Slice Of France will keep the right to not give any follow up on the claim.
Applicable Law and jurisdiction
The current terms and conditions are subject to French law. In the event of legal action, only the French courts will be qualified.